

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Ku Cinta Dia_Astrid

Tuhan..perlihatkan padaku
Wajah dia yang sangat kucintai
Tolong buat dia merasa
Bahwa aku sedang memeluknya

Ku takkan tenang
Sebelum dia tau

Kucinta dia dengan perasaan
Sepenuh hatiku
Walaupun nanti tak bertemu lagi
Kuhidup di hatinya..hatinya..

Entah mengapa cinta datang
Saat sudah terjadi perpisahan

Cinta Itu_Astrid

Ingin kuakhiri cinta yang kau beri
Ingin ku akhiri sepi dan sendiri

Siapa yang mengerti perih dalam hati
Ingin ku akhiri pahit nya misteri
Hasrat untuk tepiskan semua kenyataan
Dan seribu bayangan hilang

Cinta itu menjauhlah
Tinggalkanlah aku sendiri
Cinta itu musnahkanlah
Karena kau satu2 nya
Yang kucintai

Back to *



Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

I wanna kiss you
But if I do then I might miss you babe
It's complicated and stupid

Got my ass squeezed my sexy cupid
Guess he wants to play,
Wants to play
A love game
A love game

Hold me and love me
Just want touch you for a minute
Maybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it.

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Don't think too much just bust that kick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

I'm on a mission,
And it involves some heavy touchin' yeah.
You've indicated your interest,
I'm educated in sex yes.
And now I want it bad,
Want it bad.
A love game,
A love game.

Hold me and love me.
Just want to touch you for a minute.
Maybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit.

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Don't think too much just bust that kick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

I can see you staring there from across the block with a smile on your mouth and your hand on your huh
The story of us it always starts the same with a boy and a girl and a huh and a game!
And a game
And a game
And a game
A love game!

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?



We are the crowd
We’re c-coming out
Got my flash on it’s true
Need that picture of you
It’s so magical
We’d be so fantastical

Leather and jeans
Your watch glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us
It don’t have a price
Ready for those flashing lights
‘Cause you know that baby I

I’m your biggest fan
I’ll follow you until you love me
Baby there’s no other superstar
You know that I’ll be your

Promise I’ll be kind
But I won’t stop until that boy is mine
Baby you’ll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

I’ll be your girl
Backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah cause you’ll know
I’m staring between the sets
Eyeliner and cigarettes

Shadow is burnt
Yellow dance and return
My lashes are dry
But with teardrops I cry
It don’t have a price
Loving you is cherry pie
‘Cause you know that baby I

I’m your biggest fan
I’ll follow you until you love me
Baby there’s no other superstar
You know that I’ll be your

Promise I’ll be kind
But I won’t stop until that boy is mine
Baby you’ll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

Real good
(We dance in the studio)
Snap, snap
(To that shit on the radio)

Don’t stop boy, let it rewind
We’ll blast it but we’ll still have fun

I’m your biggest fan
I’ll follow you until you love me
Baby there’s no other superstar
You know that I’ll be your

Promise I’ll be kind
But I won’t stop until that boy is mine
Baby you’ll be famous
Chase you down until you love me



PENGERTIAN INTERNET Internet (inter-network)dapat diartikan jaringan computer luas yang menghubungkan pemakai computer satu computer dengan computer lainnya dan dapat berhubungan dengan computer dari suatu Negara ke Negara di seluruh dunia ,dimana didalamnya terdapat berbagai aneka ragam informasi Fasilitas layanan internet Browsing atau surfing Yaitu kegiatan “berselancar” di internet .kegiatan ini dapat di analogikan layaknya berjalan –jalan di mal sambil melihat –lihat ke took-tokotanpa membeli apapun. Elektronik mail(E-mail) Fasilitas ini digunakan untuk berkirim surat /dengan orajng lain ,tanpa mengenal batas ,waktu,ruang bahkan birokrasi Searching Yaitu kegiatan mencari data atau informasi tertentu di internet Catting fasilitas ini digunakan untuk berkomunikasi secara langsung dengan orang lain di internet.pada umumnya fasilitas ini sering digunakan untuk bercakap-cakap atau ngobrol di internet world wide web(WWW) dengan world wide web(WWW) ini anda dapat mengambil, memformat ,dan menampilkan informasi (termasuk teks ,audio, grafik dan video) dengan menggunakan hypertekxt links Mailing list Fasilitas ini digunakan untuk berdiskusi secara elektronik dengan menggunakan E-mail.mailing list ini digunakan untuk bertukar infomasi ,pendapat dan lain sebagainya . Newsgroup Fasilitad ini digunakan untuk berkoferensi jarak jauh ,sehingga anda dapatmenyampaikan pendapat dan tanggapan dalam internet . Download Adalah proses mengambil file dari computer lain melalui internet ke komputer kita. Upload Adalah proses meletakkan file dari computer kita ke computer lain melalui internet File transfer protocol (FTP) Fasilitas ini digunakan untuk melakukan pengambilan arsip atau file secara elektroniok atau transfer file dari satu computer ke computer lain di internet .beberapa di internet telah tersedia file atau dokument yang siap untuk diduplikat oleh orang lain secara gratis . Telnet fasilitas ini digunakan untuk masuk ke system computer tertentu dan bekerja pada system komputer lain. Ghoper Fasilitas ini digunakan untuk menempatkan informasi yang di simpan pada internet servers dengan menggunakan hirarkhi dan anda dapat mengambil informasi tersebut

Sejarah Internet


Pada tahun 1957 Departemen Pertahanan AS (DoD = Departement of Defense) membentuk ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sebagai tanggapan terhadap peluncuran Sputnik-nya Uni Sovyet. ARPA bertugas meningkatkan kemampuan teknologi yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh militer. Sebenarnya ARPA tidak memiliki ahli ilmu pengetahuan ataupun laboratorium. Yang dimiliki hanya kantor dan budget kecil (bagi standar Pentagon) saja. ARPA menjalankan tugasnya dengan memberikan bantuan dan melakukan kontrak kerja dengan universitas-universitas dan perusahaan-perusahaan yang memiliki ide yang dianggap menjanjikan bagi operasinya. Mereka mendemonstrasikan bagaimana dengan hardware dan software komputer yang berbasis UNIX, kita bisa melakukan komunikasi dalam jarak yang tidak terhingga melalui saluran telepon.
Pada pertengahan tahun 1960-an, saat puncak Perang Dingin, DoD ingin memiliki komando dan pengendalian jaringan yang dapat mempertahankan diri bila terjadi perang nuklir. Jaringan telepon tradisional dianggap tidak aman. Karena bila satu jalur saja hilang, maka hal ini dapat mengakibatkan terhentinya semua percakapan yang menggunakan jaringan atau bahkan yang hanya menggunakan sebagian jaringan secara tiba-tiba. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini DoD mengubah arah risetnya, ARPA.
Bekerjasama dengan beberapa universitas, ARPA memutuskan bahwa jaringan yang diperlukan DoD adalah berbentuk packet-switching yang terdiri dari sebuah subnet dan komputer-komputer host. Pada Desember 1968, ARPA memberikan kontraknya kepada BBN, sebuah biro konsultan di Cambridge, Massachusetts untuk membangun jaringan tersebut dan membuat software-software pendukung.
Walaupun masih terdapat kekurangan pada masalah software, pada Desember 1969 berhasil diluncurkan sebuah jaringan eksperimen yang menghubungkan empat buah simpul yaitu UCLA, UCSB, SRI dan Utah University. Keempat simpul ini memang memiliki berbagai kontrak dengan ARPA, dan masing-masing simpul mempunyai komputer host yang benar-benar berbeda dan tidak bersesuaian satu dengan lainnya. Jaringan ARPANET ini segera berkembang dengan pesat meliputi seluruh wilayah AS dalam tiga tahun pertamanya.
Sebagai tambahan dalam membantu pertumbuhan ARPANET yang masih prematur ini, ARPA juga membiayai penelitian jaringan satelit dan jaringan radio paket yang mobile. Percobaan ini juga menunjukkan bahwa protokol-protokol ARPANET yang telah ada tidak sesuai untuk dioperasikan pada jaringan ganda. Pengamatan ini mendorong semakin banyaknya penelitian tentang protokol, yang berpuncak pada penemuan model dan protokol TCP/IP. TCP/IP secara spesifik dirancang untuk menangani komunikasi melalui internetwork, sesuatu yang menjadi semakin penting dengan semakin banyaknya jaringan dan LAN yang dihubungkan ke ARPANET.
Untuk mendorong pemakaian protokol-protokol baru tersebut, ARPA mengadakan beberapa kontrak dengan BBN dan Universitas California di Berkeley untuk mengintegrasikan protokol-protokol tersebut ke dalam Berkeley UNIX. Para peneliti di Berkeley menyusun sebuah program antarmuka (interface) ke jaringan (socket) yang memudahkan dan menulis beberapa program utilitas, aplikasi dan manajemen untuk membuat sistem jaringan lebih mudah dioperasikan.
Pada tahun 1983, ARPANET memiliki jaringan yang besar dan sudah dapat dianggap stabil dan sukses. Sampai pada keadaan ini, ARPA menyerahkan manajemen jaringan ke Defense Communication Agency (DCA) untuk menjalankan ARPANET sebagai jaringan operasional. Yang pertama dilakukan DCA adalah memisahkan bagian jaringan militer ke subnet tersendiri, MILNET, yang memiliki gateway-gateway yang sangat ketat membedakan antara MILNET dengan sisa subnet riset lainnya.
Selama tahun 1980-an, jaringan-jaringan tambahan, khususnya LAN, makin banyak yang dihubungkan ke ARPANET. Sejalan dengan bertambah luasnya jaringan, host-pun semakin mahal. Karena itu DNS (Domain Naming System) dibentuk untuk mengorganisasi mesin ke dalam domain-domain tertentu dan memetakan nama-nama host ke dalam alamat-alamat IP. Sejak itu, DNS menjadi sistem database yang tergeneralisasi dan terdistribusi untuk menyimpan berbagai informasi yang berhubungan dengan penamaan.
Pada tahun 1990, ARPANET telah tersusun oleh jaringan-jaringan yang baru, yang sebenarnya dilahirkan sendiri oleh ARPANET. Setelah itu ARPANET menghentikan operasinya dan dibongkar. Sampai saat ini, MILNET masih tetap beroperasi.


Pada akhir tahun 1970-an, NSF (National Science Foundation) melihat begitu besarnya dampak ARPANET bagi penelitian universitas. Namun hanya universitas yang memiliki kontrak penelitian dengan DoD yang dapat bergabung ke ARPANET. Kekurangan akses yang universal ini mendorong NSF untuk membangun sebuah jaringan maya, CSNET.
Pada tahun 1984 NSF mulai merancang jaringan backbone berkecepatan tinggi yang akan menghubungkan keenam pusat superkomputernya di San Diego, Boulder, Champaign, Pittsburgh, Ithaca dan Princeton. Jaringan ini diproyeksikan sebagai pengganti ARPANET dan akan dibuka untuk seluruh kelompok-kelompok riset universitas, laboratorium riset, perpustakaan dan musium untuk mengakses keenam superkomputernya itu dan berkomunikasi satu dengan lainnya. Jaringan ini juga terhubung dengan ARPANET.
Jaringan NSFNET segera meraih sukses dalam waktu yang relatif singkat dan sekaligus kelebihan beban. Selanjutnya NSF dengan segera membuat rencana jaringan penerusnya dan memberikan kontrak kepada konsorsium Michigan-based MERIT untuk melaksanakan rencana tersebut. Jaringan ini pun akhirnya kewalahan sehingga pada tahun 1990 jaringan ini segera ditingkatkan kemampuannya.
Seiring dengan perkembangan berkelanjutan, NSF menyadari bahwa pemerintah tidak dapat memberikan dana pengembangan jaringan untuk selamanya. Selain banyak organisasi komersial yang ingin bergabung ke dalam jaringan yang dibiayai NSF. Akibatnya, NSF meminta MERIT, MCI dan IBM untuk membentuk perusahaan nirlaba, ANS (Advanced Networks Services). Pada tahun 1990, ANS mengambil alih NSFNET dan meningkatkan kemampuan jaringan itu untuk membentuk ANSNET.
Pada tahun 1991, Wakil Presiden AS Al Gore, mengusulkan perluasan arsitektur NSFNET agar melibatkan sekolah K-12, community college (perguruan tinggi setempat), dan college dua-tahun lebih banyak lagi. Desember 1991, Kongres AS mengesahkan rancangan undang-undang NREN (National Research and Educational Network) yang dapat diakses oleh pelaku bisnis dengan mengizinkan mereka membeli sebagian dari jaringan untuk penggunaan komersial.
Pada tahun 1995, backbone NSFNET tidak diperlukan lagi untuk menginterkoneksikan jaringan-jaringan regional NSF. Hal ini disebabkan karena banyak perusahaan yang mengoperasikan jaringan IP komersial. Pada saat ANSNET dijual ke America Online pada tahun 1995, jaringan regional harus keluar dan harus memiliki layanan IP komersial untuk dapat saling terhubung.
Untuk mempermudah dan meyakinkan bahwa setiap jaringan regional dapat berkomunikasi dengan jaringan regional lainnya, NSF memberikan kontrak kerja kepada empat operator jaringan untuk membuat NAP (Network Access Point). Operator-operator tersebut adalah PacBell (San Francisco), Ameritech (Chicago), MFS (Washington D.C.) dan Sprint (New York City). Setiap operator jaringan yang ingin menyediakan layanan backbone kepada jaringan-jaringan regional NSF harus menghubungkan semua NAP tersebut. Selain NAP-NAP NSF, juga telah dibuat bermacam-macam NAP pemerintah (misalnya, FIX-E, FIX-W, MAE-East dan MAE-West) dan NAP-NAP komersial (misalnya CIX).
Negara-negara dan daerah lainnya juga membangun jaringan yang sebanding dengan NSFNET. Di Eropa misalnya, EuropaNet merupakan sebuah backbone IP untuk organisasi-organisasi riset dan EBONE merupakan jaringan yang lebih berorientasi komersial. Keduanya jaringan ini menghubungkan sejumlah kota di Eropa. Setiap negara di Eropa memiliki satu atau lebih jaringan nasional yang sebanding dengan jaringan regional NSF.


Setelah TCP/IP dinyatakan sebagai satu-satunya protokol resmi pada 1 januari 1983, jumlah jaringan, mesin dan pengguna yang terhubung ke ARPANET bertambah dengan pesatnya. Pada saat NSFNET dan ARPANET saling dihubungkan, pertumbuhannya menjadi eksponensial. Banyak jaringan regional yang bergabung dan hubungan-hubungan dibuat untuk membangun jaringan di Kanada, Eropa dan Pasifik.
Pada pertengahan tahun 1980-an, orang mulai memandang kumpulan jaringan-jaringan tersebut sebagai sebuah internet, dan kemudian disebut Internet. Pertumbuhan terus berlanjut secara eksponensial, dan pada tahun 1990 Internet telah tumbuh menjadi 3000 jaringan dan 200.000 komputer. Pada tahun 1992, host kesatu-juta telah terhubung ke jaringan. Pada tahun 1995, terdapat banyak backbone, ratusan jaringan tingkat menengah (regional), puluhan ribu LAN, jutaan host dan puluhan juta pengguna.
Faktor yang mempunyai andil besar dalam pertumbuhan yang cepat itu adalah penyambungan jaringan-jaringan yang telah ada ke Internet. Pada waktu yang lampau penyambungan tersebut meliputi SPAN (jaringan fisika luar angkasa NASA), HEPNET (jaringan fisika energi tinggi), BITNET (jaringan mainframe IBM), EARN (jaringan akademis Eropa), dan jaringan-jaringan lainnya. Sejumlah link trans atlantik juga terbentuk. Dengan perkembangan yang eksponensial ini, cara informal lama dalam mengoperasikan Internet tidak lagi dipakai. Pada bulan Januari 1992, Masyarakat Internet (Internet Society) terbentuk. Masyarakat Internet bertujuan untuk mempromosikan manfaat Internet.
Sampai awal tahun 1990-an, Internet banyak dipakai oleh para akademisi, pemerintah dan para peneliti industri. Sebuah aplikasi baru, WWW (World Wide Web) mengubah wajah Internet dan membantu jutaan pengguna baru, nonakademisi ke jaringan. Aplikasi ini, ditemukan oleh fisikawan CERN Tim Berners-Lee, tanpa mengubah fasilitas-fasilitas yang telah ada namun membuatnya menjadi lebih mudah digunakan. Bersama-sama dengan Mosaic viewer, yang dibuat oleh NCSA (National Center for Supercomputer Applications), WWW memungkinkan sebuah situs (site) untuk menyusun sejumlah halaman informasi yang berisi teks, gambar, suara dan bahkan video, dengan meletakkan link ke halaman-halaman lainnya. Dengan meng-klik sebuah link, pengguna akan segera dibawa ke halaman yang ditunjukkan oleh link tersebut.
Dalam setahun setelah Mosaic diluncurkan, jumlah server WWW berkembang dari 100 menjadi 7000. Pertumbuhan yang cepat ini terus berlangsung dengan pesat sampai sekarang.
Sejarah Internet - Pengertian Internet - Internet dan sejarahnya tidak terlepas dari terbentuknya sebuah jaringan komputer yang dilakukan oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1969, melalui proyek ARPA yang disebut ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network), yaitu dengan mendomonstrasikan perpaduan antara Hardware dan Software dengan komputer berbasis UNIX, Komunikasi jarak jauh dapat dilakukan tanpa ada batasan yang tidak terhingga melalui saluran telepon.

ARPANET kemudian merancang sebuah jaringan dengan kehandalan teknologi informasi yang dapat memindahkan data dalam jumlah besar dan dalam waktu yang singkat, dan ditetapkan sebagai sebuah standar pembangunan protokol baru yang saat ini dikenal TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) dan disinilah awal dari segala sejarah internet yang dikenal luas sampai saat ini.

Tujuan awal dibangunnya proyek itu adalah untuk keperluan militer. Pada saat itu Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat (US Department of Defense) membuat sistem jaringan komputer yang tersebar dengan menghubungkan komputer di daerah-daerah vital untuk mengatasi masalah bila terjadi serangan nuklir dan untuk menghindari terjadinya informasi terpusat, yang apabila terjadi perang dapat mudah dihancurkan.

Pada mulanya ARPANET hanya menghubungkan 4 situs saja yaitu Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Utah, di mana mereka membentuk satu jaringan terpadu di tahun 1969, dan secara umum ARPANET diperkenalkan pada bulan Oktober 1972. Tidak lama kemudian proyek ini berkembang pesat di seluruh daerah, dan semua universitas di negara tersebut ingin bergabung, sehingga membuat ARPANET kesulitan untuk mengaturnya.

Oleh sebab itu ARPANET dipecah manjadi dua, yaitu "MILNET" untuk keperluan militer dan "ARPANET" baru yang lebih kecil untuk keperluan non-militer seperti, universitas-universitas. Gabungan kedua jaringan akhirnya dikenal dengan nama DARPA Internet, yang kemudian disederhanakan menjadi Internet.

Perangkat Keras

Modem berasal dari singkatan MOdulator DEModulator. Modulator merupakan bagian yang mengubah sinyal informasi kedalam sinyal pembawa (Carrier) dan siap untuk dikirimkan, sedangkan Demodulator adalah bagian yang memisahkan sinyal informasi (yang berisi data atau pesan) dari sinyal pembawa (carrier) yang diterima sehingga informasi tersebut dapat diterima dengan baik. Modem merupakan penggabungan kedua-duanya, artinya modem adalah alat komunikasi dua arah. Setiap perangkat komunikasi jarak jauh dua-arah umumnya menggunakan bagian yang disebut “modem”, seperti VSAT, Microwave Radio, dan lain sebagainya, namun umumnya istilah modem lebih dikenal sebagai Perangkat keras yang sering digunakan untuk komunikasi pada komputer.
Data dari komputer yang berbentuk sinyal digital diberikan kepada modem untuk diubah menjadi sinyal analog. Sinyal analog tersebut dapat dikirimkan melalui beberapa media telekomunikasi seperti telepon dan radio.
Setibanya di modem tujuan, sinyal analog tersebut diubah menjadi sinyal digital kembali dan dikirimkan kepada komputer. Terdapat dua jenis modem secara fisiknya, yaitu modem eksternal dan modem internal.
Modem terbagi atas:
1. Modem analog yaitu modem yang mengubah sinyal analog menjadi sinyal digital
2. Modem ADSL
3. Modem kabel yaitu modem yang menerima data langsung dari penyedia layanan lewat TV Kabel
4. Modem CDMA
5. Modem 3GP
6. Modem GSM


Router adalah sebuah alat jaringan komputer yang mengirimkan paket data melalui sebuah jaringan atau Internet menuju tujuannya, melalui sebuah proses yang dikenal sebagai routing. Proses routing terjadi pada lapisan 3 (Lapisan jaringan seperti Internet Protocol) dari stack protokol tujuh-lapis OSI.
Router berfungsi sebagai penghubung antar dua atau lebih jaringan untuk meneruskan data dari satu jaringan ke jaringan lainnya. Router berbeda dengan switch. Switch merupakan penghubung beberapa alat untuk membentuk suatu Local Area Network (LAN).
Secara umum, router dibagi menjadi dua buah jenis, yakni:
* static router (router statis): adalah sebuah router yang memiliki tabel routing statis yang diset secara manual oleh para administrator jaringan.
*dynamic router (router dinamis): adalah sebuah router yang memiliki dab membuat tabel routing dinamis, dengan mendengarkan lalu lintas jaringan dan juga dengan saling berhubungan dengan router lainnya.

Kartu Jaringan (Inggris: network interface card disingkat NIC atau juga network card) adalah sebuah kartu yang berfungsi sebagai jembatan dari komputer ke sebuah jaringan komputer. Jenis NIC yang beredar, terbagi menjadi dua jenis, yakni NIC yang bersifat fisik, dan NIC yang bersifat logis. Contoh NIC yang bersifat fisik adalah NIC Ethernet, Token Ring, dan lainnya; sementara NIC yang bersifat logis adalah loopback adapter dan Dial-up Adapter. Disebut juga sebagai Network Adapter. Setiap jenis NIC diberi nomor alamat yang disebut sebagai MAC address, yang dapat bersifat statis atau dapat diubah oleh pengguna.

Webcam (singkatan dari web camera) adalah sebutan bagi kamera real-time (bermakna keadaan pada saat ini juga) yang gambarnya bisa diakses atau dilihat melalui World Wide Web, program instant messaging, atau aplikasi video call. Istilah “webcam” juga merujuk kepada jenis kamera yang digunakan untuk keperluan ini. Ada berbagai macam merek webcam, diantaranya LogiTech, SunFlowwer, dan sebagainya. Webcam biasanya berresolusi sebesar 352×288 / 640×480 piksel. Namun ada yang kualitasnya hingga 1 Megapiksel. Sekarang hampir semua kamera digital dan HP bisa dijadikan sebagai kamera web (webcam).

Bridge Jaringan adalah sebuah komponen jaringan yang digunakan untuk memperluas jaringan atau membuat sebuah segmen jaringan. Bridge jaringan beroperasi di dalam lapisan data-link pada model OSI. Bridge juga dapat digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua buah media jaringan yang berbeda, seperti halnya antara media kabel Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP) dengan kabel serat optik atau dua buah arsitektur jaringan yang berbeda, seperti halnya antara Token Ring dan Ethernet. Bridge akan membuat sinyal yang ditransmisikan oleh pengirim tapi tidak melakukan konversi terhadap protokol, sehingga agar dua segmen jaringan yang dikoneksikan ke bridge tersebut harus terdapat protokol jaringan yang sama (seperti halnya TCP/IP). Bridge jaringan juga kadang-kadang mendukung protokol Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), dan beberapa di antaranya memiliki fitur diagnosis lainnya. Terdapat tiga jenis bridge jaringan yang umum dijumpai:
Bridge Lokal: sebuah bridge yang dapat menghubungkan segmen-segmen jaringan lokal.
Bridge Remote: dapat digunakan untuk membuat sebuah sambungan (link) antara LAN untuk membuat sebuah Wide Area Network.
Bridge Nirkabel: sebuah bridge yang dapat menggabungkan jaringan LAN berkabel dan jaringan LAN nirkabel.

Cara Mengakses Internet


Ada banyak pilihan dalam berbagi akses internet, tapi dalam artikel ini akan dibahas 4 cara saja:

1. Menggunakan hubungan "peer to peer"
2. Menggunakan koneksi USB & ethernet pada modem
3. Menggunakan active hub
4. Menggunakan wireless router

1. Menggunakan hubungan "peer to peer"

Hubungan "peer to peer" adalah hubungan antar 2 komputer lewat suatu media tertentu. Pilihan media tersebut dan kebutuhan peralatan sesuai pilihan media adalah:

* Ethernet (dengan koneksi RJ-45)
1. Ethernet port pada kedua komputer yang akan dihubungkan.
2. Kabel ethernet yang dicross; Bisa dipesan di toko komputer yang menyediakan peralatan networking; Kabel ini berbeda dalam penyambungan jalurnya dibandingkan kabel network biasa.
* Firewire
1. Firewire port pada kedua komputer yang akan dihubungkan.
2. Kabel firewire dengan ujung konektor yang sesuai dengan port firewire pada kedua komputer; Konektor firewire memang mempunyai dua tipe yaitu yang kecil dan yang besar; Yang besar biasanya terdapat pada komputer dekstop dan yang kecil pada komputer notebook.

Pilih salah satu koneksi tersebut dan konfigurasikan TCP/IP dari koneksi tersebut (ethernet atau firewire) pada komputer yang terhubung langsung ke internet (kita sebut saja komputer server) sehingga IP komputer tersebut adalah

Kemudian konfigurasikan TCP/IP dari komputer client (komputer yang akan dihubungkan ke komputer server) sehingga IP komputer tersebut menjadi 192.168.1.x di mana x adalah nilai pilihan anda sendiri antara 2-254; Subnet mask; Gateway

2. Menggunakan koneksi USB & ethernet pada modem

Dalam hal ini, kita memanfaatkan fasilitas dari modem (ADSL atau cable TV) yang mempunyai fasilitas koneksi USB dan ethernet. Dengan demikian, anda akan memerlukan:

1. Modem (ADSL atau cable TV) yang mempunyai port ethernet dan USB
2. Kabel ethernet atau RJ-45 (biasanya sudah disediakan dari modem tersebut)
3. Kabel USB (juga biasanya sudah disediakan dari modem tersebut)
4. Satu komputer yang mempunyai port ethernet
5. Satu komputer yang mempunyai USB port

Hubungkan komputer pertama ke modem dengan ethernet, lalu konfigurasikan (IP, DNS, dll) sesuai dengan informasi dari si penyedia layanan internet (ISP) tersebut.

Install USB driver dari modem tersebut ke komputer kedua, lalu hubungkan komputer tersebut ke modem lewat USB. Kemudian konfigurasikan (IP, DNS, dll) sesuai informasi dari ISP yang dipakai.

Biasanya digunakan automatic IP dan DNS

3. Menggunakan active hub

Anda perlu menyediakan:

1. Modem yang mempunyai koneksi ethernet
2. Active hub atau switch ethernet
3. Kabel network/ethernet untuk menghubungkan active hub ke modem
4. Komputer-komputer yang mempunyai port ethernet
5. Kabel network/ethernet sesuai dengan jumlah komputer yang dipakai

Hubungkan active hub ke modem, kemudian hubungkan semua komputer yang active hub tersebut.

Konfigurasikan semua komputer sehingga menggunakan automatic IP dan DNS, kecuali kalau ada informasi tertentu dari ISP

4. Menggunakan wireless router

Kalau anda membutuhkan koneksi wireless, maka pilihan ini memang anda perlukan. Anda punya dua pilihan:

1. Modem yang mempunyai kapabilitas wireless router
2. Wireless router yang akan dihubungkan ke modem.

Tentu saja semua komputer yang digunakan harus mempunyai kapabilitas wireless atau Wifi.

Biasanya, modem akan dikonfigurasi dengan IP dengan DHCP aktif, sedangkan router dikonfigurasi dengan IP, juga dengan DHCP aktif.
Pastikan wireless router tersebut menggunakan enkripsi (WEP, WPA, dll), lalu catat key yang sudah di-generate.
Kemudian masing-masing komputer bisa langsung dihubungkan ke router tersebut dengan memasukkan key sewaktu diminta oleh koneksi wireless tersebut.



Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it’s free
I want your love
(Love-love-love I want your love)

I want your drama
The touch of your hand
I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand
I want your love
I want your love
(Love-love-love I want your love)

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad, your bad romance

I want your love and
I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your love and
All your lovers’ revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

I want your horror
I want your design
‘Cause you’re a criminal
As long as your mine
I want your love
(Love-love-love I want your love-uuhh)

I want your psycho
Your vertigo stick
Want you in my rear window
Baby you’re sick
I want your love
I want your love
(Love-love-love I want your love)

You know that I want you
(’Cause I’m a freak bitch baby!)
And you know that I need you
I want a bad, bad romance

I want your love and
I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your love and
All your lovers’ revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

Walk, walk fashion baby
Work it
Move that bitch crazy

Walk, walk fashion baby
Work it
Move that bitch crazy

Walk, walk fashion baby
Work it
Move that bitch crazy

Walk, walk fashion baby
Work it
I’m a freak bitch, baby

I want your love and
I want your revenge
I want your love
I don’t wanna be friends

Je veux ton amour
Et je veux ta revanche
Je veux ton amour
I don’t wanna be friends
I don’t wanna be friends
(Caught in a bad romance)
I don’t wanna be friends
Want your bad romance
(Caught in a bad romance)
Want your bad romance!

I want your love and
I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your love and
All your lovers’ revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Want your bad romance
(Caught in a bad romance)
Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance
(Caught in a bad romance)

Want your bad romance

Poker Face


Mum mum mum mah
Mum mum mum mah

I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas, please
Fold em' let em' hit me, raise it baby, stay with me
Luck and intuition play the cards with spades to start
And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She' got to love nobody)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be
A little gambling is fun when you're with me
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun
And baby when it's love, if its not rough it isn't fun

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I'll get him hot, show him what I've got

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

I won't tell you that I love you
Kiss or hug you
Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin
I'm not lying
I'm just stunnin'
With my love-glue-gunning

Just like a chick in the casino
Take your bank before I pay you out
I promise this, promise this
Check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No he can't read my poker face
(She's got to love nobody)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
(Mum mum mum mah)

Just Dance


Red One

I’ve had a little bit too much
All of the people start to rush.
start to rush by.
How does he twist a dance?
Can’t find my drink or man.
Where are my keys, I lost my phone.
What’s go-ing out on the floor?
I love this record baby, but I can’t see straight anymore.
Keep it cool what’s the name of this club?
I can’t remember but it’s alright, alright.

Just dance. Gunna be okay.
Just dance. Spin that record babe.
Just dance. Gunna be okay.
ju, ju, just
Dance. Dance. Dance. Ju-just dance.

Wish I could shut my playboy mouth.
How’d I turn my shirt inside out? Inside out babe.
Control your poison babe
Roses with thorns they say.
And we’re all gettin’ hosed tonight.
What’s go-ing out on the floor?
I love this record baby, but I can’t see straight anymore.
Keep it cool what’s the name of this club?
I can’t remember but it’s alright, alright.


When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue.
Can’t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw.
And I ain’t gonn’ give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the car
I’ma hit it, I’ma hit it and flex until the til done until tomorr’ yeah.
Shorty I can see you got so much energy
The way you twirling up them hips round and round
There’s no reason at all why you can’t leave here with me
In the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down.


half psychotic synchypnotic
I got my blueprint it’s symphonic
half psychotic synchypnotic
I got my blueprint electronic
half psychotic synchypnotic
I got my blueprint it’s symphonic
half psychotic synchypnotic
I got my blueprint electronic

Go. Use your muscle comin out work and hustle
I got it, just stay close enough to get it
Go slow. Drive it, clean it like so clean it’s been molesto, I got it, and your popped coll’


Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

Tears Of Sorrow


Ego lies in human nature
Scars the face in every one of us
What's mine is mine
What's yours is yours
It seems like we forget about the heaven's floor

Set a wider gap between us
We build up walls without no shame
We turn away
If you're not one of us
But I thought, there's one color in our blood


We run around in circles
Why not reach for a truth eternal
Living life that's so superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow

Greed demands our full attention
We only live for our own gain it seems
What's mine is mine
What's yours is yours
I fear we'll lose the faith we ignore

Now look around to find an answer
The truth it comes as no surprise
You're not alone, you're any one of us
I'm not blind to the mirror of our lives

We run around in circles
Why not reach for a truth eternal
Living life that's so superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow

We run around in circles
Why not reach for a truth eternal
Living live that's so superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow


Around in circles
A truth eternal
So superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow

We run around in circles
Why not reach for a truth eternal
Living life that's so superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow

We run around in circles
Living life that's so superficial
We'll drown in the tears of sorrow

Yang Kutunggu


Lelah ku berjalan menelusuri hari
Menunggu sesuatu 'tuk melupakanmu
Wajah-wajah telah datang dan telah pergi
Tetap kusendiri dan merindukanmu
Kuingin mengerti
Mengapa rasa itu bisa terhenti

Yang aku tunggu masih kucari
Yang aku tunggu 'tuk hilangkan rasa sunyi
Yang aku tunggu datangnya hari
Ku kan menunggu saatnya jatuh cinta lagi

Kulihat wajahmu di bayang embun pagi
Ku dengar suaramu di hembusan pagi
Mungkinkah kembali hati yang telah pergi
Mekarkah kembali bunga yang telah layu
Kan kucuba mengerti
Bahwa rasa itu bisa berganti


Akan ku tunggu masih percaya
Aku menunggu rasa itu pastikan tiba
Tetap ku tunggu takkan berhenti
Ku kan menunggu saatnya jatuh cinta lagi

Jangan lepas lagi jangan hilang
Nanti akan tiba
Nanti pasti datang
Ku kan menunggu, ku kan menunggu
Dirimu engkaulah seorang yang aku tunggu
Engkaulah seorang yang aku tunggu...

I'll Be Alright


Tell me is it worth the pain
When our pride plays the wrong game
Blinded by suspicious mind
Thougt u could read my heart and cross the line

In everything u see
Keep everything back me

Though my broken heart, tear my dreams apart
I'll be alright
I'll be alright

Just a broken heart, not a word to fight
I'll be alright
I'll be alright

Deep that bad taste in your mouth
Half your truth stay on your side
Unleash all your demons free
They've been hiding
All that u've refused to see
Take everything back me

Though my broken heart, tear my dreams apart
I'll be alright
I'll be alright

Just a broken heart, not a word to fight
I'll be alright
I'll be alright

Obvious inside I'll be alright

Through the years, many tears
I have wasted
I've moved on,
Moving on

Can't erased can't replaced
What I've tasted
Life's goes on,
And on



I can't count
Stars in the sky
Or climb the mountains
I can't even swim all the seas
But I know
Absence is
Nothing can replace what I miss

'Cause I'm breathing
Far away from you
And every second feels like thousands more without you
I'm breathing
For this love to live
Believe that one day life will take me there beside you

The North needs the South
The wind needs the clouds
To all of these reasons of life
I need you
To change the wrong
To become true
And to take me to where I belong

'Cause I'm breathing
Far away from you
And every second feels like thousands more without you
I'm breathing
For this love to live
Believe that one day life will take me there beside you

I'm breathing
Breathing there beside you
There beside you

Far away from you
And every second feels like thousands more without you
I'm breathing
For this love to live
And I will keep believing one day life will take me beside you

Beside you
Life will take me beside you

Forbidden Love


Said with no sound
Another new round
The Moon is up high and here I go again

You gave me a sign
That your love is still mine
And I feel the fire burns inside me

Say it once more
Say it for sure
I hear your heart is calling out my name

Like a whisper
Long and tender
Make me alive inside your eyes again

How I wish I could try to run away
From this power
The Power of Forbidden Love
How I wish I could try to turn off the volume
From these voices
The Voices of Forbidden Love
How I wish I could close my eyes to all of these
Temptations of...

You are captured
Fall in rapture
I don't think my heart will ever let you go

For another
Love from other
Cause I can give everything you've always dreamed

Make me alive inside your eyes again

How I wish I could try to run away
From this power
The Power of Forbidden Love
How I wish I could try to turn off the volume
From these voices
The Voices of Forbidden Love
How I wish I could close my eyes to all of these
Temptations of...

How I wish I could try to run away
From this power
The Power of Forbidden Love
How I wish I could try to turn off the volume
From these voices
The Voices of Forbidden Love
How I wish I could close my eyes to all of these
Temptations of forbidden love

Undress Me


When I can't see right in your eyes
When I'm surrounded in the craziness of time
When you're understanding, is trying hard to stand still
When I wear layers of my pride, you should

Undress me, undress me
Unlock this chain and set me free
Remind me to be myself
Undress me, undress me
Unleash my heart and make me see
When I become someone else

Whenever I'm trapped in this tide
When I forgotten that there is you and I
When your persuasion is fighting in a blindfold
when I wear my bad moods to my mouth, you should

Undress me, undress me
Unlock this chain and set me free
Remind me to be myself, myself
Undress me, undress me
Unleash my heart and make me see
When I become someone else

Like a rose without its thorn
Like a bird without a song
Like the fire without the flame
If there's a painless love, we wouldn't be the same

Undress me, undress me
Unlock this chain and set me free
Remind me to be myself, my self
Undress me, undress me
Unleash my heart and make me see
When I become someone else

Undress me, undress me
Unlock this chain and set me free
Remind me to be myself, myself
Undress me, undress me
Unleash my heart and make me see



I cut off my hair
put some red in every nail on my feet
I think it's pretty..

Repainted all the rooms
got a cat that i named June obviously
I think she's happy..

friends threw some parties
and to them all there's not one that i miss
and I….

try to spend my time with some body new
but everyone still reminds me of you
I try to play some songs that change my point of view
but every song still reminds me of you

I dance on walking
listen to the people talk on the street
I don't feel lonely
I saw some movies
but your face kept coming back on the screen
I think im crazy
can't make decisions
I could use some more distractions today
and I….

try to spend my time with somebody new
but everyone still reminds me of you
I try to play some songs that change my point of view
but every song still reminds me of you

I wonder where did I go wrong
that made you go
oh how I hate to feel alone
somebody new

still reminds me of you
somebody new
still reminds me of you



Like a tiger
Know how to lure you with my feline touch
A trouble spider
Can make a trap to catch the one I want

But fine as a white dove
I'd do anything for the one I love
To get that one kiss
I'll wait patiently like a chrysalis

Just remember
That I can be strong and tender
Just remember
And beware

'Cause I know
The way to break your heart
The way to tell a lie
Like you do
Oh, yes I know
The way to make you cry
The way to give you doubts
Like you do

Satify me
Wat you to treat me like I'm the queen bee
The woman in me
Just like a wild horse I need to run free

Like a butterfly
I can be sweet and very infantile
A viper, a cobra
I also can be viciously unkind

Just remember
That I can be strong and tender
Just remember
And beware

'Cause I know
The way to break your heart
The way to tell a lie
Like you do
Oh, yes I know
The way to make you cry
The way to give you doubts
Like you do

I know
Just remember
I can do what you do
I know
Just remember
And beware

Happy Boys & Girls


Be happy...
Come on let's go get it on!
Be happy. Be happy...
Come on let's go get it on!
Be happy...
Everybody let's go have some fun

I don't want to waste my time on simple little things
I'd rather stay here all the night with happy boys who sings
Come on let's go get it on, everybody let's go have some fun

I've got a feeling you could use a little smile,
Hoping you could stay there for just a little while
Making a lot of noise up there, throw your hands up in the air

I don't want to waste my time on simple little things
I'd rather stay here all the night with everyone who sings

Happy boys and happy girls, will be
We are the happy boys and girls
Happy boys and happy girls, will be
So happy, yeah! so, so happy, yeah!

Happy boys and happy girls, will be
We are the happy boys and girls
Happy boys and happy girls, will be
Oh yeah, so happy...

Try it with a giggle it will make you look so nice
And if you start to warm, you can further break the ice
come on let's go get it on, everybody let's go have some fun

I've got a feeling you could use a little smile
Hoping you could stay there for just a little while
Making a lot of noise up there, throw your hands up in the air

I don't want to waste my time on simple little things
I'd rather stay here all the night with everyone who sings

Happy boys and happy girls, will be
We are the happy boys and girls
Happy boys and happy girls, will be
So happy, yeah! so, so happy, yeah!

Happy boys and happy girls, will be
We are the happy boys and girls
Happy boys and happy girls, will be
Oh yeah, so happy...

Young and old.
Be happy. Everyone... Be happy
I'm sure you could. Be happy...
'Cause happy boys and happy girls is around the world

Be happy...
Come on let's go get it on!
Be happy...
Everybody let's go have some fun!
Be happy...
Come on let's go get it on!
Be happy...
Everybody let's go have some fun

Happy boys and happy girls, will be
We are the happy boys and girls
Happy boys and happy girls, will be
So happy, yeah! so, so happy, yeah!

Happy boys and happy girls, will be
We are the happy boys and girls
Happy boys and happy girls, will be
Oh yeah, so happy...

Be happy...
Come on let's go get it on!
Be happy...
Everybody let's go have some fun!
Be happy...
Come on let's go get it on!
Be happy...

Bumble Bees


I know I'm not the only flower you see
But what can I do, you are a good looking bee
Wham bam, thank you mam

Bumble bee, bump into me
I am in for pollination
Bumble bee, take what you see
I'm in need for your donation
I can't wait for your invasion

Be my love
Cause I'm a single flower, feeling free
Blooming now
Take me honey, be my favorite bee

Hey Rose I'm ready again
I've got my radar tuned in on you baby
I'm all set and ready to land
I'm the bum , here I come
Getting ready for a wham bam

Bumble bee, bump into me
I am in for pollination
Bumble bee, take what you see
I'm in need for your donation
You don't need no invitation

Wham bam, thank you mam
I'm going wham bam, thank you mam
I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see
And one little flower is not enough for a bee, like me

All I know
Is you're my honey, and I can't say no
Just a little bit shy
And so excited, when I see you fly

Hey Rose I'm ready again
I've got my radar tuned in on you baby
I'm all set and ready to land
I'm the bum, here I come
Getting ready for a wham bam

Bumble bee, bump into me
I am in for pollination
Bumble bee, take what you see
I'm in need for your donation
You don't need no invitation

Wham bam,thank you mam
I'm going wham bam, thank you mam
I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see
And one little flower is not enough for a bee
No, one little flower is not enough for a bee, like me

I know I'm not the only flower you see
But what can I do, you are a good looking bee
Honey, it's a job, it's a dream come true
You're my favourite flower, when I'm intimate with you

Wham bam, thank you mam
I'm going wham bam, thank you mam
I'm going wham bam, thank you mam
I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see
And one little flower is not enough for a bee

Going wham bam, thank you mam
I'm going wham bam, thank you mam
I'm a true believer, that goes for what I see
And you, my flower ain't enough for me
You got to be faithful, it's not fair for a bee
You got to be faithful, it's not fair for a bee, like me



Ay ee ay ay
Ay ee ay ay
Ay ee ay ay
Where's my Samurai

I've been searching for a man
All across Japan
Just to find
To find my Samurai

Someone who is strong
But still a little shy
Yes I need
I need my Samurai

Ay ee ay ee ay
I'm Your little butterfly
Green, black, and blue
Make the colors in the sky

Ay ee ay ee ay
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black, and blue
Make the colors in the sky

I've been searching in the woods
And high upon the hills
Just to find
To find my Samurai

Someone who won't regret
To keep me in this net
Yes I need
I need my Samurai

Ay ee ay ee ay
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black, and blue
Make the colors in the sky

Ay ee ay ee ay
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black, and blue
Make the colors in the sky

Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Where's my Samurai

Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Where's my Samurai

Ay ee ay ee ay
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black, and blue
Make the colors in the sky

Ay ee ay ee ay
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black, and blue
Make the colors in the sky

Ay ee ay ee ay
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black, and blue
Make the colors in the sky

Ay ee ay ee ay
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black, and blue
Make the colors in the sky

Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Where's my Samurai

Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Where's my Samurai

Ay ee ay ee ay
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black, and blue
Make the colors in the sky

Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Where's my Samurai

Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Ay ee ay ee ay
Where's my Samurai

Doctor Jones


Somtimes, the feeling is right
You fall in love for the first time
Heartbeat, and kisses so sweet
Summertime love in the moonlight


Now the summer is gone
You had to go back home
Please come and see me again
I never felt more alone

Baby, I am missing you
I want you by my side
And I hope you'll miss me too
Come back and stay
I think about you every day
I really want you too
You swept my feet right off the ground, you're the love I found

Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Get up now (Wake up now)

Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Wake up now (Wake up now)



All I think of is you, and all of the things we had
Doctor, what can I do?
Why does it have to be like that?

Baby, I am missing you
I want you by my side
And I hope you'll miss me too
Come back and stay
I think about you every day
I really want you too
You swept my feet right off the ground, you're the love I found

Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Get up now (Wake up now)

Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Wake up now (Wake up now)



Please, please cure me
Please, please cure me
Please, please cure me
Please, please cure me

Doctor Jones, Jones - (Wake up now)
Doctor Jones, Jones - (Wake up now)
Doctor Jones, Jones - (Wake up now)
Doctor Jones, Jones,
Wake up now!



Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Get up now (Wake up now)

Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Wake up now (Wake up now)

Turn Back Time


Give me time to reason,
give me time to think it through
Passing through the season,
where I cheated you

I will always have a cross to wear,
but the bolt reminds me I was there

So give me strength,
to face this test tonight

If only I could turn back time,
If only I had said what I still hide
If only I could turn back time,
I would stay for the night... for the night

Claim your right to science,
Claim your right to see the truth
Though my pangs of conscience,
Will drill a hole in you

I've seen it coming like a thief in the night,
I've seen it coming from the FLASH of your light

So give me strength,
to face this test tonight

If only I could turn back time,
if only I had said what I still hide
if only I could turn back time,
I would stay.

The bolt reminds me I was there
the bolt reminds me I was there

(repeat chorus until fade out)

Cartoon Heroes


We are what we're supposed to be
Illusions of your fantasy
All dots and lines that speak and say
What we do is what you wish to do

We are the color symphony
We do the things you wanna see
Frame by frame, to the extreme

Our friends are so unreasonable
They do the unpredictable
All dots lines that speak and say
What we do is what you wish to do

It's all an orchestra of strings
Doin' unbelievable things
Frame by frame, to the extreme
One by one, we're makin' it fun

We are the Cartoon Heroes - oh-oh-oh
We are the ones who're gonna last forever
We came out of a crazy mind - oh-oh-oh
And walked out on a piece of paper

Here comes Spiderman, arachnophobian
Welcome to the toon town party
Here comes Superman, from never-neverland
Welcome to the toon town party

We learned to run at speed of light
And to fall down from any height
It's true, but just remember that
What we do is what you just can't do

And all the worlds of craziness
A bunch of stars that's chasing us
Frame by frame, to the extreme
One by one, we're makin' it fun

We are the Cartoon Heroes - oh-oh-oh
We are the ones who're gonna last forever
We came out of a crazy mind - oh-oh-oh
And walked out on a piece of paper

Here comes Spiderman, arachnophobian
Welcome to the toon town party
Here comes Superman, from never-neverland
Welcome to the toon town party

You think we're so mysterious
Don't take us all too serious
Be original, and remember that
What we do is what you just can't do

What we do is what you just can't do
What we do is what you just can't do
What we do is what you just can't do
What we do is what you just can't do

We are the Cartoon Heroes - oh-oh-oh
We are the ones who're gonna last forever
We came out of a crazy mind - oh-oh-oh
And walked out on a piece of paper

There's still more to come
And everyone will be
Welcomed at the
Toon - Toon
Town - Town

Around the World


I've been around the world
Hey, hey
I've been around the world
Hey, hey

In the kitchen where I'm cooking what is good for me
Spices from the globe
Little by little it's the finest meal
It's appetite for hope
come and see

You mix it all together in your dreams
Ingredients from the seven Seas and
I'm realizing things ain't what they seem
That's the riddle of it
That's the spirit of it
That's the power of life

I've been around the world
(Round the world)
And I've seen it all
(Seen it all)
I've been around the world
(Round the world)
The sun will always rise and fall
I've been around the world
(Round the world)
And I want you to see
(Seen it all)
I've been the only girl
(Round the world)
All surrounded by mystery

In the living room I'm cleaning up from top to floor
The place I love the most
The wall is covered up with all my souvenirs
I've got from coast to coast
come and see

You mix it all together in your dreams
Ingredients from the seven Seas and
I'm realizing things ain't what they seem
That's the riddle of it
That's the spirit of it
That's the power of life

I've been around the world
(Round the world)
And I've seen it all
(Seen it all)
I've been around the world
(Round the world)
The sun will always rise and fall
I've been around the world
(Round the world)
And I want you to see
(Seen it all)
I've been the only girl
(Round the world)
All surrounded by mystery

I'm still coming around
I keep chasing dreams
Girl, I keep coming around
Hey, Hey
I keep coming around
And I can never stop
Girl, I keep coming around
Cause if I do I'll walk
Around around
around the world

I've been around the world
(Round the world)
Hey hey
(Seen it all)
I've been around the world
(Round the world)
All surrounded by mystery
I've been around the world
(Round the world)
And I've seen it all
(Seen it all)
I've been around the world
(Round the world)
The sun will always rise and fall
Round the world



(Ken) Hiya Barbie!
(Barbie) Hi Ken!
(Ken) You wanna go for a ride?
(Barbie) Sure Ken!
(Ken) Jump In...

Barbie :
I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination life is your creation

(Ken) Come on barbie, let's go party!

Barbie :
I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world
Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly

(Ken) You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour and pain,
Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky...

You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!

Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please
I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees

(Ken) Come jump in, be my friend, let us do it again,
Hit the town, fool around, let's go party

You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"
You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!

I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!

Oh, I'm having so much fun!
(Ken) Well Barbie, we're just getting started
Oh, I love you Ken!



I am the Candyman
Coming from Bountyland.
I am the Candyman
Coming from Bountyland.

I wish that you were my Lollipop.
Sweet things, I will never get enough.
If you show me to the sugar tree,
will you give me a sodapop for free.

Come with me Honey,
I'm your sweet sugar Candyman.
Run like the wind fly with me to Bountyland.
Bite me, I'm yours if you're hungry please understand.
This is the end of the sweet sugar Candyman.

Oh my love I know you are my Candyman,
And oh my love your word is my command.
Oh my love I know you are my Candyman,
And oh my love let us fly to Bountyland.

You are my Lollipop
sugar sugar Top
You are my Lollipop
sugar sugar Top

I wish that I were a Bubble Gum,
chewing on me baby all day long.
I will be begging for sweet delight,
until you say I am yours tonight.

Come with me Honey,
I'm your sweet sugar Candyman.
Run like the wind fly with me to Bountyland.
Bite me, I'm yours if you're hungry please understand.
This is the end of the sweet sugar Candyman.

Oh my love
I know you are my Candyman,
And oh my love
your word is my command.
Oh my love
I know you are my Candyman,
And oh my love
let us fly to Bountyland.

Oh my love
I know you are my Candyman,
And oh my love
your word is my command.
Oh my love
I know you are my Candyman,
And oh my love
let us fly to Bountyland.

I am the Candyman
Coming from Bountyland
I am the Candyman
Coming from Bountyland

Coming from Bountyland!

Oh my love
I know you are my Candyman,
And oh my love
your word is my command.
Oh my love
I know you are my Candyman,
And oh my love
let us fly to Bountyland.
You are my Lollipop
sugar sugar Top
You are my Lollipop
sugar sugar Top



My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule the country, baby, you and I?
If you were my King...

My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule the country, baby, you and I?

Little princess in a terrible mess,
a kingdom alone, with no love to confess
Dreams of a prince on a tall white horse,
runs like a spirit by the castle walls.

Gotta steal from the rich, when they don't know I'm coming,
gotta give to the poor, no time for lovin'
My oh my don't you cry, 'cause there's no way I'm staying,
I will leave
Say bye-bye
I'm going my way...

My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule the country, baby, you and I?

If you were my King...
I would be your Queen....
If you were my King...
I would be your Queen....

Mystery deep in the royal heart
Crying at night, I wanna be a part
Prince, oh, prince
Are you really sincere
That you one day are gonna disappear?

Gotta steal from the rich, when they don't know I'm coming,
gotta give to the poor, no time for lovin'
My oh my don't you cry, 'cause there is no way I'm staying,
I will leave
Say bye-bye
I'm going my way...

My oh my, ohhh
My oh my, ohhh
My oh my, ohhh
My oh my!

My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule the country, baby, you and I?

My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why
My oh my do you wanna say goodbye?
To rule the country, baby, you and I?

If you were my King...
I would be your Queen....
If you were my King...
I would be your Queen...

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010



I think I feel my heart is going to stop
I feel my body is about to drop
I have just met you

How strange it feels now that you're finally here
Maybe I'm dreaming, but you look so real
Now, let me tell you

I made a picture of you in my mind
And a name that I can call
Before I take another step to go
I just need to know

If this is destiny, stop the mystery
I'm looking for a shelter in your heart
Is there a place for me?
Stop the mystery
I know that we are meant to be together
Believe in destiny, the only mystery
I finally found a missing piece of my heart
I'm trying to make you see, signs of destiny
I'm looking for a shelter in your heart
A place for me to be

Now, you might think that this is so insane
I don't believe that love's the one to blame
Love is innocent

I know you're out there somewhere in this world
I've sensed your presence
In every second and I
Knew you were waiting, too

I made a picture of you in my mind
And a name that I can call
Before I take another step to go
I just need to know

If this is destiny, stop the mystery
I'm looking for a shelter in your heart
Is there a place for me?
Stop the mystery
I know that we are meant to be together..

I'm looking for a shelter in your heart
Is there a place for me to be

I know we are meant to be together

Believe in destiny
I'm trying to make you see
The signs of destiny

I'm trying to make you see
The signs of destiny



I don’t want to believe
And I don’t want to live
By the excuses
Of your weakness

Cause a woman should do
What she wants to do
There is no reason
For your shallow aggravation

Nothing wrong with this dress I wear
Nothing wrong with this smile I dare
Nothing wrong with my long black hair
It’s all in your mind, in your mind

Nothing wrong with these legs you see
Nothing wrong with this lean body
And nothing wrong with the woman in me
It’s all in your mind, in your mind

I just want to be sure
Don’t want anymore
You’re calling out names
Oh what a shame

Just open your mind
Then maybe you’ll find
That there’s no reason
For your shallow aggravation

Reff :
Nothing wrong with this dress I wear
Nothing wrong with this smile I dare
Nothing wrong with my long black hair
It’s all in your mind, in your mind

This is the time
To change your mind
There’s still a chance
To change your mind
It’s plain to see
From anywhere
That the only thing wrong is your irritating mind



Lithium don't wanna look me up inside
Lithium don't wanna forget how it feels without
Lithium i wanna stay in love with my sorrow
Oh, but God i want to let it go

Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone
Couldn't hide the emptiness you let it show
Never wanted it to be so cold
Just didn't enough to say you love me
I can't hold on to me
Wonder what's wrong with me

Lithium don't wanna look me up inside
Lithium don't wanna forget how it feels without
Lithium i wanna stay in love with my sorrow

Oh, don't want to let it lay me down this time
Drown my will to fly
Here in the darkness i know my self
Can't break free until i let it go
let me go

Darling, i forgive you after all
Anything is better than to be alone
And in the end i guess i had to fall
Always find my place among the ashes

I can't hold on to me
Wonder what's wrong with me

Lithium don't wanna look me up inside
Lithium don't wanna forget how it feels without
Lithium i wanna stay in love with you
Oh, i'm gonna let it go

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010



You, you got me
Thinking it'll be alright
you, you told me
To come and take a look inside
You believe me
And every single lie
I, i failed you this time

Reff : And it feels like tonight
I can't believe i'm broken inside
Can't you see that
There's nothing that i wanna do
But try and make it up to you
And it feels like tonight

I was waiting
For the day you'd come around
I was chasing
But nothing was all i found
From the moment you come into my life
You showed me what's right

Back to Reff

I never felt like this before
Just when i leave
I'm back for more
Nothing else here seems to matter
In these ever changing days
You're the one thing that remains
I could stay like this forever

Back to Reff

'Cause there's nothing that i wanna do
But try and make up to you
And it's feels like tonight,



Laugh and cry
Live and die
Life is a dream we're dreaming
Day by day
I find my way
Look for the soul and the meaning

Then you look at me
And i always see
What i have been seaching for
Then you look at me
And i'm not last anymore

People run
Sun to sun
Caught in their lives ever flowing
Once begun life goes till it's gone
We have to go where it's going

And you say you see
When you look at me
The reason you love life so
I'll find love again
And life just keeps on running
And life just keeps on running
You look at me and life comes
From you, From you



I'm so tired of being here
Supressed by all my childish fear
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
Because your presence still
linger's here
And it won't leave me alone

* These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just to real
There just too much that time cannot erase

** When you cried i'de wiped away all of your tears
When your screamed i'de fight away all of your fears
And i held your hand
But you still have all of time

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now i'm bound by the life
You left behind, your face it hunts
My once and pleasant dreams your voice had chased away all the sanity in me

Back to * and **

I've tired so hard to tell my self
That you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

Back to **



I wanted you to know
I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain, away
I keep your photograph, i know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

'Cause i'm broken when i'm lonesome
And i don't feel right when you're gone, away
You've gone away
You don't feel me here, anymore

The worst in over now
And we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high
You steal my pain, away
There's so much left to learn
And no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

* 'Cause i'm broken when i'm open
And i don't feel like
I'm strong enough
'Cause i'm broken when i'm lonesome
And i don't feel right
When you're gone away

Back to *

You've gone away
You don't feel me here, anymore

Show me the meaning of being lonely


So many word for the broken heart
It's hard to see in a crimson love
So hard to breathe
walk with me and maybe
Night of light so soon become
wild and free i could feel the sun
your every wish will be done they tell me

Reff : Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling i need to walk with
Tell me why i can't be there where you are
There's something missing in my heart

Life goes on as it never end
Eye of stone observe the trends
They never say forever gaze
Guilty roads to an endless love
There's no control
Are you with me now
Your every wish will be done
They tell me

Back to Reff

There's nowhere to run
I have no place to go
Surrender my heart, body and soul
How can it be you're asking me to fell
The things you ever show

You are missing in my heart
Tell me why i can't be there where you are

Back to Reff